
The tax burden in Brazil is one of the highest in the world and within organizations, tax governance plays an important role in the search for best practices and economy.

Through the services of Martinelli Auditores in the areas of direct and indirect taxes, social security and corporate tax, we seek to reduce costs and tax risks through customized solutions to each client, using our team of tax auditors and consultants specialized in the main economic segments.

Taking advantage of tax opportunities and reducing tax risk

The needs of an audit or tax consultancy may originate from:

Financial losses with the collection of higher taxes.

Exposure to fiscal risks and penalties.

Loss of competitiveness due to tax costs.

Uncertainties regarding the application of best practices in tax management.

Risks to the organization, in relation to unidentified and treated contingencies.

We carry out audit and consulting on the following subjects:

Tax Planning:
Diagnosis and implementation of solutions for the reduction of tax costs, through licit procedures and customized to the needs of each client.

Tax Incentive Projects:
Analyzes and studies aimed at the preparation of projects and feasibility analysis for the use of state and federal tax benefits, with total monitoring of our team, from the study to obtaining and using the benefits

Transfer Prices:
We assist your company in the review and preparation of the calculations provided for the transfer prices, in analysis the operations and the methods predicted

Re-composition of Tax Bases:
Assistance in the re-composition of tax bases, contemplating the recalculation of taxes and the reorganization of assessments, also assisting in the rectification of ancillary obligations

Tax Audit:
Review of tax assessments and internal procedures maintained, aiming at reducing risks, improving tax assessments, and improving internal controls

Electronic Audit of SPED:
Electronic audit of EFD archives ICMS and IPI, EFD Contributions, EFD Reinf, eFinancial, eSocial, ECF and ECD, through a tool developed by Martinelli Auditores, assisting clients in the implementation, revision of databases, monthly follow-ups, consulting and auditing of digital files


Business Sectors

We carry out audits and consultancies in various business sectors, such as economic groups, importers, exporters, agribusiness, industrial and services.

Acquired knowledge

Proven experience through several works carried out, which provide us with information and experiences with differential in the market.

Focus on the result:

Our work is focused on results, with the involvement of clients in the development and implementation of solutions.

Contact Us

Find a Martinelli near you.

R. Dona Francisca, 1113 - 10º e 11º andar
Saguaçu - Joinville - SC
CEP 89.221-006
Phone: +55 (47) 2101.1900

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